📬Bot Runners

New versions of the bot are divided into groups A and B - read more here

If you open your RPC, but indexing must be enabled on the node!

Bot launch

# create a separate wallet
noisd keys add botwallet

#Make sure you have tokens in your wallet
export MONIKER=your-beautiful-name
#check https://docs.nois.network/networks-and-contracts. nois-oracle contract
export NOIS_CONTRACT=nois16peq3sftghumkja7nu32ztjy0ew4vsnshxfhcv6sxq573ta08gwsgldepm
export ENDPOINT=http://rpc-3.noislabs.com:26657
#edit above values before running the docker
docker run -d --name drandbot \
       -e MONIKER=$MONIKER \
       -e "MNEMONIC=$MNEMONIC" \
       -e PREFIX=nois \
       -e DENOM=unois \
       -e GAS_PRICE=0.05unois \

Useful Commands

# logs
docker logs drandbot --follow --tail=50

# restart 
docker restart drandbot && docker logs drandbot --follow --tail=50

# check containers
docker ps
docker ps -a

# update
docker stop drandbot
docker rm drandbot
docker pull noislabs/nois-bot:latest
# run

Last updated