Officially stated requirements: 4 GB RAM 2 CPU Cores 60 GB Disk Space x86/X64 Processor
To receive rewards for running a node, you must have at least 1 Sentry key in your wallet. Keys must be purchased. More details here -
In addition to the NFT, the Sentry wallet must be topped up with Arbitrum One ETH (AETH) to pay for the gas required to receive the reward. On average, 0.02 ETH is enough to cover the costs required to run 1 key on a node that is active 24/7 for 1 year
Server preparation
Node installation
Adding Sentry Wallet (operator)
When using the CLI, it is not necessary to assign your key wallets to an Operator, since when using the boot-operator command, each wallet containing a key serves as an Operator by default. However, if you want to designate a specific wallet as an Operator, you can follow these steps
To start, enter the command and enter the private key of the wallet
Last updated