𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐧𝐢𝐤 | 𝐔𝐓𝐒𝐀

lesnik | UTSA - trustworthy and high performance validator

In addition to protecting the networks in the mainnet through validation, we run IBC, provide RPC, API, Statesync, Addrbook, Explorer, write manuals, maintain high uptime and help the community

Our supported relayers Teritori <> Osmosis <> Evmos <> L1 <> GAIA <> Quicksilver <> Jackal<> Nois <> Aura <> Provenance. We are ready to launch any repeaters you need

lesnik | UTSA validator is ready for long-term cooperation and offers!



  • Polkadot - 15wnPRex2QwgWNCMRVSqgqp2syDn8Gf6LPGGabRhA8zoohpt

  • Kusama - D5khA3qGvd8SDXepSrCGmYRWbNUzdJpjEyg6m1mFT7VtHpw

  • Joystream - j4W8paZENRiG1i6JVULH5Gz65USGGLhWKEaPBHjHhqDmcmNr9

You can delegate your GOV voting rights to our validators. Read more about GOV delegation here

👨‍⚖️ Delegate the right to vote in GOV (not to be confused with coin stake) to the UTSA validator instead of you:

Polkadot 👉 https://delegation.polkadot.network/#/15wnPRex2QwgWNCMRVSqgqp2syDn8Gf6LPGGabRhA8zoohpt

Kusama 👉 https://delegation.polkadot.network/?network=kusama&rpc=wss://kusama-rpc.polkadot.io#/D5khA3qGvd8SDXepSrCGmYRWbNUzdJpjEyg6m1mFT7VtHpw



  • Hopr - 0x5B98c7c2a91b8971076eFfd8cD3aC8874DbC4C60

  • Minima

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