🔧Creating / Editing a Validator

General information

For all blockchains in the Cosmos ecosystem, almost the same commands work - therefore, the examples below can be used for different blockchains - only changing identifiers

First, let's understand the main keys

  • --from the name of the local key (wallet) that belongs to the validator and has a certain number of coins in the account

  • --amount amount of coins to be placed in own validator (own stake)

  • --pubkey public key of the validator

  • --moniker unique validator name under which you will be seen in the list of validators

  • --security-contact email or other validator ID that can be used to contact the validator

  • --details short description of the validator (any arbitrary text)

  • --website link to any resource available to the validator

  • --identity specifying a 16-digit Keybase identifier will allow using the Keybase API to bind an avatar from Keybase to the validator

  • --min-self-delegation The minimum amount of the validator's own stake that must remain in the account. If the number of self-delegated coins falls below this amount, the validator becomes inactive. A large amount can mean serious ambitions of the validator and his increased responsibility to the delegators, which will be a plus when choosing this validator. The sum of 1000000 will be equal to 1 coi

  • --commission-rate percentage of profit a validator receives from the sum of its delegates' rewards (commission charged). The number 1 will be equal to 100% of the validator's commission, while delegators will not receive anything at all by delegating to this validator. And for example, 0.1 will equal 10% of the validator's commission, which means that before returning the profit to the delegates, the validator takes 10% of it in his favor

  • --commission-max-rate is the maximum possible validator commission. This parameter remains unchanged and is set only when the validator is created. The number 1 will be equal to 100% of the validator's commission, and for example 0.1 will be equal to 10% of the validator's commission

  • --commission-max-change-rate percentage by which a validator can change its commission within 1 day. You can both reduce the commission and increase it, but until the

  • --commission-max-rate For example 0.01 will mean that the validator will be able to change the fee by 1 percent per day

  • --chain-id network identifier. Can be both testnet and mainnet

  • --gas gas limit for each transaction. "auto" to automatically calculate enough gas

  • --fees fees payable with the transaction, e.g. 5denom

To create a validator you need:

  • fully synchronized node

  • wallet with some coins

Create a validator

Please enter your data into the variables. If necessary, not all keys can be used

The data below is an example!

MONIKER="Cosmos master"
$BINARY tx staking create-validator \
--chain-id="$CHAIN" \
--commission-rate=0.1 \
--commission-max-rate=0.1 \
--commission-max-change-rate=0.01 \
--amount=1000000$DENOM \
--pubkey $($BINARY tendermint show-validator) \
--moniker="$MONIKER" \
--details="$DETAILS" \
--security-contact="$CONTACT" \
--website="$WEB" \
--identity="$IDENTITY" \
--min-self-delegation="1000000" \
--from="$WALLET" \
--fees 5000$DENOM

Editing a validator

$BINARY tx staking edit-validator \
--moniker="$MONIKER" \
--identity="$IDENTITY" \
--details="$DETAILS" \
--chain-id="$CHAIN" \
--from="$WALLET" \
--commission-rate="0.09" \
--fees 5000$DENOM

Last updated