IMPORTANT - starting October 7th, a new version v0.18.1-mocha for the Celestia DA layer (Mocha) will be released, which will use Shwap and will not be compatible with previous versions. For the new release, it will be necessary to remove Environment=GODEBUG="asynctimerchan=1" from the service file
The process of setting up and starting a new node remains the same, but the new node will need to synchronize all blocks from the genesis, or use a snapshot synchronized with the new version. Due to optimizations, a significant decrease in hard disk usage is expected
Both protocols will work side by side during a month-long transition period from October 7th to November 7th for Mocha
cd $HOMErm-rfcelestia-nodegitclone version: v0.20.4#Commit: 51b79431533576a5cddf1235bdf3751e4c014212
Don't forget to save the catalog with keys!!!.celestia-light-mocha-4/keys
cd $HOMErm-rfcelestia-nodegitclone version: v0.16.0#Commit: 6744f648649ebb5fee1b27faf7aca96ecf4519b2
For Light nodes there is no concept of double signature and if suddenly there is a need to transfer node ID to a new server, then it does not matter to us whether the old server is working or not available. The main thing is that we have a copy of two files located at /root/.celestia-light-mocha-4/keys/
Please note that we do not necessarily need to change the keyring-test wallet Let's look at the most suitable option for saving the Node ID, assuming that the old server is working:
Start a new server and fully sync the Light
Stop Light on the new server and replace the two files in /root/.celestia-light-mocha-4/keys/
Be sure to give the necessary rights chmod 600 /root/.celestia-light-mocha-4/keys/*
Restart Light on the new server and wait for full synchronization
Stop the old server
Useful commands
Find out Light node id
# first, let's generate an authorization tokenAUTH_TOKEN=$(celestialightauthadmin--p2p.networkmocha)echo $AUTH_TOKEN# we get the peerId of our nodecurl-XPOST \-H"Authorization: Bearer $AUTH_TOKEN" \-H'Content-Type: application/json' \-d'{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"p2p.Info","params":[]}' \http://localhost:26658
# another way to get Node
Working with wallets
# show wallet addresscel-keylist--node.typelight--keyring-backendtest--p2p.networkmocha# check restore walletcel-keyaddlight_wallet--keyring-backendtest--node.typelight--recover--p2p.networkmocha