📬Bot Runners

  • Official guide - https://docs.nois.network/use-cases/for-bot-runners

  • Telemetry - https://randomness.nois.network

New versions of the bot are divided into groups A and B - read more here

If you open your RPC, but indexing must be enabled on the node!

Bot launch

Create a separate wallet and save mnemonics

noisd keys add botwallet

Create a config

We change the config to suit ourselves. Enter your and check RPC, drandAddress and gatewayAddress - see current data here - https://github.com/noislabs/bot2/wiki/Migrating-to-bot2

nano $HOME/.noisd/config.json
  "rpcEndpoint": "https://m-nois.rpc.utsa.tech:443",
  "rpcEndpoint2": "",
  "rpcEndpoint3": "",
  "drandAddress": "nois19w26q6n44xqepduudfz2xls4pc5lltpn6rxu34g0jshxu3rdujzsj7dgu8",
  "gatewayAddress": "nois1acyc05v6fgcdgj88nmz2t40aex9nlnptqpwp5hf8hwg7rhce9uuqgqz5wp",
  "mnemonic": "<MNEMONIC>",
  "denom": "unois",
  "gasPrice": "0.05unois",
  "prefix": "nois",
  "moniker": "",
  "drandEndpoints": [

Let's launch the bot

docker run -d --name drandbot \
  -v "$HOME/.noisd/config.json":/app/config.json \

Useful Commands

# logs
docker logs drandbot --follow --tail=50

# restart 
docker restart drandbot && docker logs drandbot --follow --tail=50

# check containers
docker ps
docker ps -a

# update
docker stop drandbot
docker rm drandbot
docker pull noislabs/nois-bot:latest
# run

Last updated